New info on this show was learned in 2024 (my original write up is still below since there may have been an additional New York show around this time but not sure). The actual date of this show is 7-24-95. Liz from the band Ida sent me the flyer that is posted below. It shows that this show was with Mary Lou Lord, Ida, and Semi-gloss. Setlist still unknown.
*Original info*
Elliott reportedly played at Brownies in New York, NY in July 1995. This show is on a list of shows I got from a reliable source. The list says that Mary Lou Lord also played at this show. There is another New York show on this list (at unknown venue) and lists Mary Lou Lord and also Phranc playing at it. But the list makes it sound like possibly these two shows (Brownies and unknown venue) are the same show so I'm only listing the known venue here. If you have any other info on this or can confirm any details, please let me know.
Setlist unknown.
Elliott reportedly played at Brownies in New York, NY in July 1995. This show is on a list of shows I got from a reliable source. The list says that Mary Lou Lord also played at this show. There is another New York show on this list (at unknown venue) and lists Mary Lou Lord and also Phranc playing at it. But the list makes it sound like possibly these two shows (Brownies and unknown venue) are the same show so I'm only listing the known venue here. If you have any other info on this or can confirm any details, please let me know.
Setlist unknown.