Elliott played in Berkeley, CA on 2-10-96. The show was the second show of the tour with The Softies and was at the University of California in Berkeley. The exact name of the venue is a bit confusing. It looks to have been part of the student co-op and you see it listed as Cloyne Court Hotel or as Le Conte. Or as Cloyne Court at Le Conte. Besides the Softies and Elliott, Track Star, Doug Shepherd and Skypark also played.
Setlist unknown.
My very old notes on the source of the flyers below say to credit Elliott Smith Gallery/NJ/crushedblind/Borja Prieto so hopefully that credits some correct people. Tour date screenshots taken from tapatalk.com.
Setlist unknown.
My very old notes on the source of the flyers below say to credit Elliott Smith Gallery/NJ/crushedblind/Borja Prieto so hopefully that credits some correct people. Tour date screenshots taken from tapatalk.com.