Elliott appears to have played at Shaft Records in Gainesville, FL on 2-21-96. This show was apparently scheduled for Hardback Cafe originally, as the flyer below shows, but it's been reported that it was moved to Shaft Records. This was part of the tour he was on with The Softies.
Setlist unknown.
Tour dates below taken from tapatalk.com. Flyer was posted on Instagram by "kbfflyers" according to my notes. That person gave credit to "how_do_u_do_fellow_kids". The caption of the post mentioned it being moved to Shaft Records.
Setlist unknown.
Tour dates below taken from tapatalk.com. Flyer was posted on Instagram by "kbfflyers" according to my notes. That person gave credit to "how_do_u_do_fellow_kids". The caption of the post mentioned it being moved to Shaft Records.