Elliott played at John Henry's in Eugene, OR on 8/18/94. This was part of the Pop Chord tour. The flyer shows that Carrie Akre, Tammy Watson, and Sean Croghan also played at the show. I'm not sure if Slim Moon performed but he was on the tour and I believe performed at some or all of the shows. But his name is not on the flyer.
Setlist unknown.
The Pop Chord flyer was taken from the "elliottsmithgallery" account on Instagram. The flyer for this particular show may have also been from that person/account but my notes don't specify where I got it from. The Pop Chord Tour Overview sheet was posted by Slim Moon on Instagram, thanks to him for letting me use it.
Setlist unknown.
The Pop Chord flyer was taken from the "elliottsmithgallery" account on Instagram. The flyer for this particular show may have also been from that person/account but my notes don't specify where I got it from. The Pop Chord Tour Overview sheet was posted by Slim Moon on Instagram, thanks to him for letting me use it.